
How To Connect 74HC595 Shift Register In Series and Control Multiple Pins Using Arduino

Learn how to connect multiple shift registers in-series, particularly the 74HC595 chip. This method allows us to expand the number of pins we can control from a microcontroller. Also, we develop a library to make easier to control the individual pins of the shift registers.

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Design Patterns

Design Patterns – Interpreter

The Interpreter Design Pattern guides us in constructing a hierarchy of expressions capable of evaluating sequences of symbols. This pattern is commonly used for evaluating expressions, statements, or entire languages. It can be applied to a wide range of applications that involve analyzing sequences of symbols, whether they are words, sentences, or any other type, and make sense of them.

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Use 74HC595 Shift Register With Arduino

Explore the use of the 74HC595 Shift Register with an Arduino to control 8 LEDs. This demonstration illustrates how we can expand the number of available Arduino pins, allowing us to manage components that require multiple inputs.

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Design Patterns

Design Patterns – Chain of Responsibility

Learn the Chain of Responsibility Pattern and how to use it. Decouple requests from handlers and build robust and flexible software.

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Learn How an 8×8 LED Display Works and How to Control it Using an Arduino

Explore how an 8×8 LED Matrix Display works and how you can create software to display icons and simple animations using an Arduino.

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The Interpreter Design Pattern guides us in constructing a hierarchy of expressions capable of evaluating sequences of symbols. This pattern is commonly used for evaluating expressions, statements, or entire languages. It can be applied to a wide range of applications that involve analyzing sequences of symbols, whether they are words, sentences, or any other type, and make sense of them.

The Mediator Pattern is responsible for controlling and coordinating the interactions between different objects. The pattern promotes decoupling between different components that otherwise would end up interconnected. The Mediator acts a hub, containing logic to facilitate information dispatching between components.