Learn how to connect multiple shift registers in-series, particularly the 74HC595 chip. This method allows us to expand the number of pins we can control from a microcontroller. Also, we develop a library to make easier to control the individual pins of the shift registers.
In this article, we explain the concepts of MSB (Most Significant Bit) and LSB (Least Significant Bit), along with MSBFIRST and LSBFIRST. Finally, we…
Explore the use of the 74HC595 Shift Register with an Arduino to control 8 LEDs. This demonstration illustrates how we can expand the number of available Arduino pins, allowing us to manage components that require multiple inputs.
Explore how an 8×8 LED Matrix Display works and how you can create software to display icons and simple animations using an Arduino.
A shift register is a digital component, which consists of digital gates and flip flops, capable of retaining memory and shift the output one bit at a time. In this article we will learn how shift registers work, how to use them, and how to increase the outputs of a microcontroller like Arduino.
Learn how to control one or multiple servo motors using Arduino. Discover how a servo motor works, how is different from other type of motors and when is most suitable.
Improve your productivity by building an Arduino timer with the Pomodoro technique. Utilizing the SevSeg library and a 4-Digit 7-Segment LED display for the Pomodoro the timer can help you stay focused.